Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Work and life seems like two different things... Its not like I do not enjoy my work, but, life is always better when you are home and not working. Most of us would agree...Atleast my friends would. Its a cycle, more you work to live ur life better. But, the more you work, less is the time you have to live your life. Its not like, most people do what they love to do..


Anonymous said...

machaan read these two articles:

Arvind M Venugopal said...

howdy bro... be it work or be it life... you've gotta enjoy it to be good at it... for someone, work may be life, while for others their lives may be pieces of work... ultimately it all boils down to one thing: work's for personal returns coupled with a corporate benefit, while life's much more than that... its kindof like an umbrella holding work as part of it...

btw: i've tagged your blog in my blogsite :)